+971565834586, +971545465248

VAT Amendment Form: In many jurisdictions, there is a specific form provided by the tax authority for VAT amendments. Obtain the relevant form from your tax authority's website or office.

Amended Period: Indicate the specific period for which you are making the amendment. This will typically be the same period as the original VAT return that requires correction.

Reason for Amendment: Clearly state the reason for the amendment, such as an error in reporting, a change in the VAT treatment of certain transactions, or any other relevant explanation.

Corrected Sales: Provide the correct values for your taxable sales that were previously reported incorrectly. Include details of any adjustments or changes made to individual sales transactions.

Corrected Purchases: Include the correct values for your business purchases that were previously reported incorrectly. Provide details of any adjustments or changes made to individual purchase transactions.

Input VAT Adjustments: Account for any changes or adjustments to the input VAT (VAT incurred) previously reported. This may include corrections to the amounts claimed or changes in the VAT treatment of certain purchases.

Output VAT Adjustments: Update the output VAT (VAT charged) based on the corrected sales figures. This may involve revising the amounts of VAT previously reported and recalculating the difference.

VAT Due/Payable or Refund: Calculate the revised VAT due/payable or refundable amount based on the corrected figures. Determine the difference between the corrected output VAT and input VAT.

Supporting Documentation: Attach any relevant supporting documentation that justifies the amendments made. This may include revised invoices, credit notes, receipts, or any other documents that validate the changes.

Declaration and Signature: Sign and date the VAT amendment form to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided.